出租 For Rent
Subject Property | : Senai, Johor. |
Built-up Area | : Appx. 62,820.86 sq.ft. |
Land Area | : Appx. 3.49 acres. (With additional 33k sq.ft for empty land) |
Land Use | : Medium Industry. |
Tenure | : Leasehold. |
Power Supply | : 2,500 Amp. H.T. |
Floor Loading | : 15kN/M². |
Type of Building | : Single Storey with Mezzanine Office. |
Monthly Rental | : RM 93k per month |
Remarks | : Come with 6 units of 12.5 ton Dock Leveler.
: Available on December 2019 |
地址 Address: | Senai |
城市 City: | Senai |
国家 County: | Malaysia |
州省 State: | Johor |
平方米 Square Feet: | 95,952.45 |
英亩 Acres: | 3.49 |