Johor, Desa Cemerlang Brand New Freehold Factory with high power (PTR 245)

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry WhatsApp-Image-2023-12-16-at-17.54.13-2-1060x795 Johor, Desa Cemerlang Brand New Freehold Factory with high power (PTR 245)
出售 For Sell
Built-Up Area : 31,663 sq.ft.
Land Area : 1.668 acres
Floor loading : 10 KN/M2
Power Supply : 400 Ampere (Able to upgrade max 1000 amp)
Building Height : 9.0 meter
Selling price : RM 13,599,000

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry WhatsApp-Image-2023-12-16-at-17.54.13-300x225 Johor, Desa Cemerlang Brand New Freehold Factory with high power (PTR 245)

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry WhatsApp-Image-2023-12-16-at-17.54.13-1-300x225 Johor, Desa Cemerlang Brand New Freehold Factory with high power (PTR 245)


平方米 Square Feet:31,663 sf
英亩 Acres:1.668 acres

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