Factory at Nusajaya For Sell (PTR-121)

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry PTR-121-factory-at-nusajaya-7k-bua-EXTERNAL-3-1060x795 Factory at Nusajaya For Sell (PTR-121)
出售 For Sell
  • RM 3.4 mil
  • 位置 Location: ,
  • 平方米 Sq Ft: 7,290 sq.ft
  • 英亩 Acres: 12,212 sq.ft
描述 DESCRIPTION: Semi Detached Factory at Nusajaya
产业地区 SUBJECT LOCATION: Nusajaya, Johor
建筑物面积 BUILT-UP AREA: 7,290 sq.ft.
土地面积 LAND AREA: 12,212 sq.ft.
土地使用 LAND USE: Medium Industry.
占有期 TENURE: Freehold
电源 POWER SUPPLY: 200 Amp.
Selling price RM 3.4 mil
建筑类型 TYPE OF BUILDING: Semi Detached Factory with 2 Mezzanine Office.
建筑高度 BUILDING HEIGHT: 7.5 Meters.

Johor Factory Malaysia Industry PTR-121-factory-at-nusajaya-7k-bua-EXTERNAL-3-300x225 Factory at Nusajaya For Sell (PTR-121)

价格 Price: RM 3.4 mil
地址 Address:Nusajaya
城市 City:Nusajaya
国家 County:Johor
州省 State:Johor
平方米 Square Feet:7,290 sq.ft
英亩 Acres:12,212 sq.ft

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