出售 For SellNusajaya Medium Industry Factory with High Power and 12 meter Height (PTR278)Address UnavailableCityname, ST View Listing
出租 For RentNusajaya Medium Industry Factory with High Power and 12 meter Height (PTR278)Address UnavailableCityname, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 28,400 sq.ft平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出租 For RentJohor Senai Freehold Detached Factory with Big Extra Land and High Power For Rent (FS 167)Address UnavailableCityname, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 230 sq.ft平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出售 For SellPasir Gudang Factory with Overhead Crane, Extra Land and 1000 Amp for Sell (BT-PTR8)Pasir GudangJohor Bahru, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 44000平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出售 For SellFreehold, Medium Ind. Factory at Sungai Tiram with 1000 Amp For Sell(PTR102)Sungai TiramJohor Bahru, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 79,255.65 sq.ft.平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出租 For RentJohor, Desa Cemerlang Medium Ind. Detached Factory with High Power 2000 amper For Rent (PTR156)Address UnavailableCityname, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 54,672 sq.ft平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出租 For RentBrand New Factory at Desa Cemerlang for Rent (PTR169)Desa Cemerlang Johor Bahru, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 38276平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出售 For SellJohor Tiram Industry Park Freehold Open Shed Factory (BT-Tiram)Address UnavailableCityname, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 38,625 sq.ft平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出售 For SellJohor Bahru, Freehold Detached Factory with 12 meter Height & 8 acres Land For Sell(PTR21)PlentongCityname, ST 床位 Beds 浴室 Baths 137,000 sq.ft平方米 Sq ftView Listing
出售 For SellJohor Gelang Patah Freehold Medium Industrial LandAddress UnavailableCityname, ST View Listing